Thursday, April 19, 2007

More About Magic

by Michelle.

Here is some more stuff that I will write about magic. Lots of parts inside do different kinds of magic.

The little ones and the hiding ones do a special magic. Their magic is so when something is going to hurt the body or is too scary, they can get outside of the body and then watch something happening. If a part is there and they are scared too, then they can sometimes go with the little one or the hiding one who is doing this, and they can not be there when something is scary. This is magic because it means you are floating away and not inside the body. Mostly they do not do this, but sometimes when something scary happens, like someone falls down the stairs, they will still help everyone just watch so they do not get hurt so bad.

The Story Girl, mostly, and Amanda and me a little bit too, we watch to see if there is something magic we can use to get into a magic land or get wishes or something like that. We have never found one yet, but we are still looking. Jamie and the other teenagers help because they like to find money on the ground, and sometimes magic things look like money, so they help. We also look for special cool things like shells, and we are very good at finding them because we practice looking for magic things. Also, we look for maybe a magic path, like they found to go to Narnia.

A lot of us are good at turning invisible. Sometimes you have to do a spell, but sometimes, you just have to remember that you need to be invisible.

Rynn and someone else who does not want me to say who it is, they are very good at making shields. A shield is a thing so people can not make you feel bad. It also makes it ok so that you don't have to feel all the spiky things from people around you, when they are thinking too loud or something. I think they were the ones who made the first safe places inside. The one who does not want me to say who it is made her safe place too strong, and she got stuck and now she does not know how to get out. But Rynn, she did it a little different. She made houses for people. She did not remember about the little kids, but we found safe places. Without the safe places inside, it is just thorns and scary places with the monsters and you have to be super careful so they do not notice you. But the safe places inside are better, and you can play. And when Rynn made the safe world inside, then we kids could make good places to go to also. W. helped us to build the magic house and town. That is our favorite place, and mostly we are all living there now when we are inside. It is a place where all of us can go, and sometimes W. can visit us there even.

Rynn also makes our room safe, but she is not very good at this any more. What she does is, instead of the shields just being inside us, she puts them around a room, or around an apartment. But she does not know how to make the shields just right, so they do not work as well as they used to do. The shields she put around our old room, those kept people out of our room even after we went away. We found out, because someone in our family asked, "What did you do to your room? I don't want to go in there ever." And since our old room turned into that person's room when we left, that shows how good those shields were!

The Hip Chyck does something that is a little bit magic, and she even thinks it is magic. What she does is, she knows that believing in something enough, and working at it, can make it happen. She is saying it is not exactly magic like in books, but it is magic to me because it is about making things happen that wouldn't happen if you didn't believe really hard. What she does is she believes really hard that something good can happen, and she acts like it is going to happen and does work, and then it does happen, even if other people said it couldn't.

The Mama does a special magic. She does magic so that where we live is a nice place to be. When we lived at home, she also did lots of magic so that people would be calmer and not fight so much. She also does little spells about things like being happy and calm and safe at home. Also, she does little spells to get parking spaces sometimes.

The Mama and the Hip Chyck, and Rynn a little bit, and the Story Girl a little bit do a magic inside. They call it "grounding," but it is not the bad kind of grounding that is a punishment. It is a kind of grounding that helps things to be quieter inside, and stops too much poking stuff from getting in from the outside. It takes our energy and it connects it to the center of the world going down and to the stars going up, and then we can breathe better and feel better. Also, Hip Chyck learned in self defense class that if you do this, when someone pushes you or something, you don't fall over as easily, but it doesn't take energy to not fall over.

These are two magic spells the Mama and the Hip Chyck made together that we use when we need them.

One is if we are looking for something and can't find it. We say, "If I were the ____, where would I be? Right here on the _____ where she could find me." And then we find it. But you have to make sure you are using magic when you do it, and how the Mama says you use the magic is you find the string inside yourself that is connected to the thing you are looking for, and then you follow that string to where it is. It works the best if you were the last person to touch that thing.

Another one is so we don't worry so much about money stuff. It goes like this: "With the waxing of the moon, so may our prosperity grow. With the waning of the moon, so may our troubles fade away." Mostly, the grown ups use this one. It is a spell they can say whenever they see the moon, and then things will get better and they will not have to worry so much, and they will keep getting better. The Mama and the Hip Chyck say it is ok to be pagan AND a Christian or something else. They say that God is not just a man like in my picture Bible, but is something we can't understand. I think this is probably true, because one time when I was praying and thinking about God, when I saw God, it was a beautiful flower that smelled good and made me feel better. So God is lots of things, so that spell is ok to do. It does not make God upset.

Some of the grown-ups don't like to tell people about the magic, because they are embarrassed. Those grown-ups are Cleo and the Analyst and the Smart One. They don't think magic is real. Everybody else inside believes in it and does different kinds of magic. Some of it is to keep us safe. Some of it is to make things better and happier. The Hip Chyck says her magic is especially to make the whole world a better place and to show other people that they can make things better and they can do things even if they don't think they can.

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