Sunday, April 22, 2007

Learning to Draw

There's a new project in our system, and it's actually kind of fun. Some of the parts are working on making a story book together. They are good at writing, but not drawing. So, they were thinking of which part in the system could learn to do something like drawing, and they thought of me, because I usually do the things other parts can't do.

This is actually kind of nice. I figured out how to make drawings look like we want them to, and it wasn't too hard a trick, once I paid attention to what they say on websites where they're teaching you to draw. The littles are frustrated, because I read the websites last night, and I still haven't gotten able to draw well enough to make the pictures they imagine come out on paper.

They're also going crazy, because it takes them, like, two hours to get a story written the way they want, but it's taking me "forever" (like, half an hour a picture) to get the drawings.

But what's good about all of this is, the system seems to be thinking that, just because I'm good at doing things, and just because I will do the things no one else wants to do, that doesn't mean I should get stuck doing nothing but the stupid boring unpleasant stuff. So that's cool.

And it's good to see they appreciate the fact that I can figure out how to do things RIGHT. See? It's not just for staying out of trouble. Figuring out how to do things right can be FUN.

--Ellis (formerly called Somebody)

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