Tuesday, May 20, 2008

hating this

i hate this. i hate the fact that i can start to regain control, but as soon as i slip, there are other parts out. fighting with w. making trouble. pushing everyone away. i make a vow to myself that this time i will hold on, but as soon as i move, it's like someone comes out.

they are convinced that no one is ever going to love me or take care of me. and so they are doing everything they can to push people away. and then they get suicidal because they have just confirmed to themselves that no one will love me (them?) or take care of me (them?). and if i go out and try to smooth things over, they get pissed at ME for trying to suck up to people and make them like me on false pretenses, and they insist that the only reason people are at all nice to me is that i take care of them and don't ask for anything.

and what the f*** am i supposed to do?! either i am trying to maintain relationships with people so they won't reject me and give up, which the other parts find unsatisfying because they want people to love them even though they are being a$$holes. or i give up and just try to keep them away from other people, which proves to them that no one loves them.

i can't win. there is NOTHING i can do to fix this. the best i can do is try to keep myself alive long enough that these other parts give up, and try not to let them alienate everyone in my life. they are doing a f***ing good job of that, alienating everyone.


i want the damned grown ups to come back and THEY can deal with this. but i think chariots' comment was right. they ditched me just like pretty much everyone else has ditched me. w is still around, but i know she is worn out, and there is only so much she is willing to do, and if the other parts don't stop, i know they will wear her out entirely. certainly, she is going to take breaks from dealing with us/them, which is only going to confirm to them that she isn't in this for the long haul. certainly she has the sense not to keep getting in fights with them.

and there is NOTHING i can do to prove to them that this doesn't equal her not caring. there is NOTHING i can do to prove to the other parts that someone not wanting to deal with them being f***ing a$$holes does NOT mean people don't care. they are convinced this is true.

so what will happen? if i'm lucky, these parts will back off and i'll get to deal with all the fallout from their crap these past weeks. i will get to spend a ton of time trying to make it up to w so she won't be resentful. and then i will have to try to get my life back together.

if i'm not lucky, the best-case scenario is that someone notices how badly they're doing and manages to keep them from killing themselves (which includes killing me and the others, for the record). best-case scenario there ends up with me in the hospital, which will only confirm to those parts that no one cares and they might as well die.

worst-case scenario is no one manages to intervene, and i don't get to live through it this time.

this would be a GREAT time for the adults to show back up. this would be a really USEFUL time for them to step in and take control. they should NOT be leaving this on me.


Me, Myself And I said...

Listen to me.

Anyone who matters understands that you're different parts. Nobody is going to hold their behaviors against you, not consciously. If I don't realize who is out, yes, there might be holdover feelings, but they are not about you.

Stop taking on their crap. they're in a lot of pain, and you've got enough pain of your own.

I can handle it. They might wear me down moment to moment, but I'm not going anywhere.

Hearing from you really, really helps, though. It helps me REMEMBER that this is a state of being, not a consensus within the system. You're still IN THERE!

Can you communicate with me more, while you're waiting for the others to cooperate on the meetings?

They are like those kids at school who always said a kid was sucking up to the teacher. They never realized that their actions were what affected the teacher's opinion of them, not the comparison with any OTHER kid.

Make sense? You take care of YOU, and maybe the little ones, until I can get to them. I'm having a hard time getting through...

Thank you for writing.

I'm doing the best I can to take burden off you. I will keep trying.

Me, Myself And I said...

it occurs to me that I can follow this way more easily if I click on "email comments to..."

Jigsaw Analogy said...

youll definitely go somewhere if we are the only ones who are out which just proves that we were right all along if no one will put up with us when we dont act the way those people want then they dont really care about anyone they just want the good things well you cant have the good things because that is all you want and i mean everyone not just w. no one wants to really help or reach out they dont even care about the ones who are just sad and not saying how they feel about being angry. they only want the ones who are nice and make them feel good well too bad they dont get any of us any more unless they can deal with the ones who arent acting all nice.