Monday, March 17, 2008


i keep starting this post and erasing it and starting it over. i guess the problem is that there are several things i want to blog about, and i can't get them in order. or maybe there is more than one part trying to get something said? that might be why i'm thinking four or five separate things at the same time.

so what's the point of this post about religion? i guess to just write about some of what's going on for me right now.

first, there's the whole RA thing. i am relatively certain i didn't experience ritual abuse. but this is a hard time for people who did, and there's this... backlash, i guess. where i feel guilty talking about the things i enjoy about this season, because i know that some of it is really triggering to other people.

so i get mad--that there are these jerks in the world who do what they can to pervert and ruin holidays for little kids. i mean, what the hell? (um, sorry, i'll address that later....)

and the thing is, spiritually, i'm most comfortable as a pagan. and here we are, with the spring equinox falling on a full moon. this should be a happy, positive thing. i should be able to feel free to talk about rebirth and all of that. i should be able to feel comfortable with writing about my pagan experiences.

but because of those a$$holes who do things and abuse kids on a seasonal calendar, i feel like i need to be super-careful talking about pagan holidays, because even more so than the christian ones, the pagan ones got taken over by those jerks who are using them for really evil purposes. this is more of an issue for me around samhain/halloween/pagan new year. and even MORE so around winter solstice/christmas/yule. i'm generally more casual about the spring holidays (well, more on that later, too). but there's the whole ritual abuse thing, and i really don't want to go around doing the equivalent of kicking people where they're already bruised, so i don't write about it.

so there's that part.

and then there's where i am, religiously. i was raised christian. i was raised christian in the kinds of churches that just weren't really... uplifting. the kind where your experience of christianity is a whole lot of judging and shaming and all of that. the kind of churches that justify what i can now recognize as child abuse, but which they insisted was just parents trying to raise "godly" children. the kind of churches that say to stay in an abusive marriage because it's god's will, and the woman's duty to behave in a way that will "save" her husband, rather than to cut her losses and protect herself and her kids.

the kind of churches that discourage people from doing anything "worldly" like reading books the church hasn't approved, or listening to music the church hasn't approved, or really, doing anything that gives evidence of really enjoying the world, or thinking outside of the incredibly narrow little box the church defines for them. i don't just mean "don't drink, smoke, or chew, or run with those who do." i'm talking about "christian rock is evil because it's too worldly. you should only listen to music *we* say is ok." and "don't read anything ungodly, like (i kid you not!) c.s. lewis, madeleine l'engle, susan cooper, or, heaven FORBID, j.r.r. tolkien." (for those who haven't read them, these are all deeply christian writers of pretty darned christian fantasy novels.) i mean, seriously, my churches when i was growing up thought these books would lead us into sin.

the kind of churches where they spend weeks in sunday school teaching little eight year olds about the book of revelations, and how good christians will have to suffer and starve because they won't be raptured until after the tribulation, but they won't be able to buy food or anything because to do that you'll have to get the mark of the beast, so you and your family will starve to death and not be able to have anything, and go through a whole lot of terror and suffering, just to prove you're worthy of god's love.

now, don't get me wrong. it's not that the people were evil or bad. i totally get that they thought they were doing the right thing. i mean, if you really believe all of that, and you honestly believe that there is only one way to get to heaven, and it involves a lot of pain and suffering, then maybe you are doing the right thing, by your beliefs, if you push other people to follow impossible rules. i don't know. i guess if i believed that the only way to be saved was to go through pain and misery, and i wanted my children saved, maybe i would do that too. i just don't know. because i can't bring myself to believe in a god who aims for all of the "true believers" to be in pain and suffering. i mean, what would be the point?

but anyhow. what it ends with is that, even though i know there are a lot of devout christians in the world who don't have that worldview, it's hard for me to hear people doing a lot of talking about christianity without all of this being triggered. and so i just kind of shy away from the god-talk, because i feel like my own religion isn't gonna be accepted. (i describe myself religiously as culturally christian, spiritually pagan. and that gets thrown off because in terms of actual practice and religious observance, i'm closer to jewish, because i do that with my partner.)

and because all the god-talk is just triggering to me. but i feel guilty about not reading blogs, because i just can't cope. and i feel alienated from some forums, because even when they call it "spirituality" (or even on totally unrelated threads) lately, it seems like it just turns into this whole christianity thing.

i keep losing track of where i was going. i suppose i could've made an outline and stuff, but i'm just not feeling it.

right. the whole being triggered by christianity thing. i mean, i know that people aren't meaning to be triggering. but there's a level where i feel like... why is it ok to be spouting all of this stuff that is really immensely triggering to me, that brings up all of that guilt and shame and fear and pain.... but i can't even say a little bit about my *own* positive religious experience, because it's too close to things that people are triggered by?

i know i can't be the only person who was abused in a fundamentalist christian context. i can't be the only person who was scarred by the people who did all the god-talk, and were always doing something that i've considered the true meaning of "taking the lord's name in vain" where they bring god into discussions of things that are totally unrelated (like, "i got this toilet paper at 75% off, praise be to god!" ok, that's a *slight* exaggeration. but only slight.)

and i can't explain how it is that *some* people talk about god, and it's not triggering, and other people do, and i want to run out of the room and start screaming.

and then it's even weirder, cause it's not like a bunch of us in this system find nothing of value in christianity.

i mean, i guess religion is like sex. no, really. there are some parts who need to avoid it totally, and there are some parts that have learned it can be a healthy thing, done in a caring and respectful way. and there isn't any one true way.

maybe that's it... some of the people who have been bugging me write in a way that reminds me of the christians who insisted there was one true way (theirs) and no one else was going to get to heaven, and actually, anyone who didn't do it their way was basically either uninformed, or a deliberate sinner.

i really hate the whole attitude of "one true way" pretty much anywhere it shows up. because, honestly, there ISN'T one true way. there are different ways that work for different people, and there's nothing that says any one of them is better than the others.

ok. not sure what my point was, or anything like that, but that's some of what i wanted to write about.


Katie+ said...

I'm really sorry that you feel that you can't share your joy and beliefs at this time of year (and others) because of those who are upset and triggered by it.

I can very much relate about the fundamentalist Christianity. I get angry with people who do portray Christianity the way that you experienced it as a child. And I'm glad that you've found your own balance with belief systems and faith.

If you ever need to chat about either of those things feel free to drop me a line. I'm not pagan, but I am open minded and can take pretty good care of myself with triggers.


Rising Rainbow said...

People can see triggers as a gift to help them get to the bottom of their crap or they can see them as a curse. It's up to them how they are going to see them and what they are going to do with them.

You are not responsible for their feelings. You are only responsible for what you do. If you need to post about this things (which it sounds to me like you do) then it's ok that you do that.

If there are those out there who will blame you for it, they are not your friends anyway. Part of learning not to be a victim anymore is learning how to take good care of yourself. You cannot do that if you are putting the needs of others above your own all of the time.

Anonymous said...

Me, too. A lot of that, the same or similar. It's kind of comforting to have company.

As for triggers, for us they're so random, really. We can't even predict (beyond the obvious and blatant) what's going to put one of us in a tizzy, how could anyone else?

Medicoglia, RN said...

I agree with all three previous commenters. Triggers are generally a good thing (even when something "bad" is triggered), as long as the person triggered has an appropriate support system in place and can identify that they have in fact been triggered and are not just "acting". Since this is not true of everyone out in the world, I use trigger warnings... once I have done that, it is up to "them" to read or not read. A person who blames someone else for triggering them is not accepting responsibility for themselves. Of course there are exceptions to that, but not many; one would be if say, I knew something was extremely triggering to you, so I then got in your face and said it in graphic terms or something like that. That is intentionally triggering. Writting what you need to write may or may not be triggering, but it is not intentionally trying to trigger someone. Also...triggers really are random and unexpected...very hard to predict. If I needed to write about a specific thing that happened in graphic detail, well I can assume that is triggering and use a warning. But who could possibly know (besides my T and possibly partner) that Mr Rogers changing his shoes and putting on a sweater on his tv show is triggering for me? It's unfair to expect everyone to know all my triggers and never talk about those things!

Anonymous said...

I could be one of those triggering types for you because I do have strong beliefs - I don't know. Last I knew though, everyone gets to choose their own beliefs - including me. Anyway, I certainly don't try to hurt anyone at all.

But really - my poor family/friends (current, not past) had to go through times with me where they would worry about saying or doing the wrong thing all the time because it might 'trigger' me. So then they thought they had to go walking around on egg shells or something. At some point I said, "Stop worrying about it! I get triggered over this or that or whatever - I get triggered all by myself half the time! Relax! If you "say something wrong" we'll work through it. Just be yourself."

And I think I kinda know you enough to know that you know - that you can't safeguard yourself against everything, or you basically gotta be a hermit. I think I've met some abused people who basically choose that route. ...... I mean, can't triggers be a chance to learn something anyway? A chance to grow? If all I do is avoid getting triggered, how will I ever get through this??!

Anyway - this is your blog. Don't you get to 'be' whatever you want? Whatever you are? And even on other blogs - I could go sensoring myself so that I say barely anything real about myself - but maybe I don't want to. At least not totally. I mean, I do sensor myself a lot - but there's a point where - am I gonna be plastic or real? ...... here I am - here's a real part of me - love me or leave me. And on top of that, I can't make sure everyone's ok with me all the time - it's TOO HARD!!!

Maybe I've lost a lot of fear of losing people at this point. I think I have. I'm not so afraid anymore, to have people not like me. It's actually very freeing. I don't think I realized how hard I worked to TRY to keep everyone ok with me (before realizing that it is impossible anyway). It was a LOT of work to try to keep from offending people so much, or to try to make sure people "still liked me". I think I'm becoming happier, and more of who I am, by maybe losing some people along the way.

Everyone WON'T like me. And that's ok - b/c I can't maintain that many relationships anyway. ;o) And in abuse circles - I'm not so sure abused people CAN interact without triggering each other at times. Seems an impossible task to me anyway. I guess I go back to triggers as being something that can actually be useful, for learning things about myself, and for becoming stronger.

Jigsaw Analogy said...

thanks. i appreciate everyone taking the time to comment.

i'm not sure i managed to get out what i was saying.

i pretty much can handle my responses to the god-talk triggers, and it's not like it isn't everywhere. and often, i know people totally mean well when they do it... it's part of their belief system, but more so, it's a part of their idiom for supporting other people. and if i could put my finger on what, exactly, sets me off about it, i SO would put a disclaimer on everything i post about what i would rather people not do, you know? because for me, there's a combination of being triggered and just being ticked off, too. (have i posted here about my "keep the astarte in easter" sign i want to make, or the yuletide "io saturnalia" signs i *did* make? anyhow....)

with the RA stuff... yeah, i could (and sometimes do) post on my own blog about pagan related stuff. but if i know that something is a common trigger, and that it brings up really bad stuff... i'm not gonna talk about it in a broader forum.

here's an analogy: on 9/11/2002, i was heading into NYC. i'd been working at home all day, and just grabbed the first shirt on the clean pile as i got ready to leave. as i walked to the train, i noticed which shirt it was--a lesbian avengers shirt, complete with large bomb logo on the front, and the phrase "be the bomb you throw" on the back. i turned the shirt inside out before continuing into the city, not because i felt like it was my responsibility to protect other people from triggers, but because, well... even though it was totally unintentional, and not intended to be provocative or upsetting, it also felt immeasurably disrespectful to the pain of others to do something that i knew would be upsetting.

in much the same way, i feel like doing something that i *KNOW* will trigger people is disrespectful. i am not going to walk on eggshells, but i can avoid throwing eggs at people.

i've got more to say, but i'll come back to it later.