Monday, March 03, 2008


so the new couples' therapist w and i are seeing who (knock wood!) appears to be working out for us, has talked about trust several times.

and i was thinking about this. she asked whether i trust w, and i can honestly say i trust w more than i trust anyone else in the world. and that's a collective answer. we all trust her more than we trust anyone else.

which isn't precisely to say we *trust* her, just that we trust her *more*. the therapist (e, we'll call her) asked me to rate it on a scale of one to ten, so i'd say, overall with w, it's about a four. although probably it's a bit higher, but i was doing an average, you know. so maybe a five.

but then, i'm never quite sure what people mean when they ask me about trust. i mean, i trust pretty much anyone i interact with routinely not to be physically abusive. more or less, at least. there are parts who don't feel that trust, but they're also the parts who aren't entirely certain that anything actually exists. so i'd say, of us who are out often enough to have a sense of reality, we trust the people we interact with routinely not to be physically abusive.

i trust that when i buy canned food, the contents of the can will be what is marked on the outside. i trust that when i use my debit card, they will only take out the amount of money they are supposed to. i trust coffee shops and restaurants to give me food that isn't poisoned. i trust people driving cars to have some basic awareness of following traffic laws.

so where is it that i'm not trusting people? i have trouble trusting that they will remember i exist when i'm not right there with them. i have trouble trusting that people will follow through on things they've said they would do for me. i have trouble trusting that i will be able to depend on anyone outside of myself.

i'm able to trust people *not* to do things pretty easily. i trust people in my life not to go calling my family and letting them know about the things i've told about. i trust people not to tell me that i'm lying. mostly, on that last one, because there is still a lot of fear around people not believing me. but mostly, i trust that people will believe me.

i trust most people not to go out of their way to hurt me.

but at the same time, i really *don't* trust most people (or any people) to go out of their way to help me, or even, to go out of their way for me at all. and i guess that's where the lack of trust comes in. i find it really difficult to believe that people will make much of an effort, or respond well if i ask that from them. and i don't have much faith that people will continue to want to be friends with me, or whatever, if i ask for too much. and since i don't know where the line is, what "too much" is, i try not to ask for anything that hasn't been expressly offered, and try to avoid asking for too much of that, either.

and i guess there are parts who don't feel safe allowing emotional vulnerability to show, so probably, it's either just a long-ingrained habit, or we don't really trust people to be safe with emotional vulnerability. i guess we don't really trust that people aren't going to be critical of us, and reinforce the negative messages that run in my/our head: that i'm just lazy and selfish and not trying hard enough or working hard enough or that i'm making all of this up. a little bit, we're starting to trust a few people, and it's not like we've had too many negative experiences like that for a while (well, there was the hospital and right after, but that was so *clearly* messed up....)

maybe it's that it doesn't feel safe to allow myself to rely on anyone else. much as i and a lot of other parts are desperate for help, it doesn't seem safe to believe that someone else will be willing to be there to help us cope. and so we close off and withdraw, because sometimes, coping is the only thing we can do, and figuring out how to cope and also be with people becomes impossible. i don't know. and i *do* know someone else has been waiting to do something else, and i've held on for a while, but i guess i need to be done now.


Medicoglia, RN said...

I really identify with this post. Very strongly. At a couple points my thought was "whoa...I do that too!". I have to think about this some more before I can say anything else. I might actually blog about it myself...sometime in the near future. Probably not until the weekend though...I have an exam Thursday and another one Friday...not prepared for either. :P

Anonymous said...

Trust - ya. Truly, I don't think you can be in any relationship, and not get hurt somehow. You can't actually 'trust' anyone to not hurt you somehow. They will out of their own humanness, just like I will/have hurt others out of my own selfish humanness. The only way not to get hurt, is to be alone. So then I think about that and go "well - which way do I want it?" Obviously though - there are some people who will cause us much greater hurt than others. So for me it's more about staying away from those people who are the 'great hurters' as opposed to the 'everyday/normal' hurters (which includes me).

Anonymous said...

trust ; over time i have learned that it isn't simply i trust him or her or i don't . it's full of diffrent shades of the color you relate trust best with .<> about asking for "things" big problem with "us" . lately have been asking simple questions like what is your favorite color or do you have a pet . It's still hard , but fears vrs. risks , decided risks were worth the possibility of getting hurt . the world is opening up more . gets very scary but i hope takeing some risks helps me grow more strengths . as in chariots reply humanness means we can mistake and not intend to hurt others . the hardest part for me is to ask a person did i offend you ? have i done something wrong ... yet trust them to be truthful ... trust or not to trust is learned very young ... every time i post at any site i get scared of what may or may not be appropriate . right now we are really working on trust and who is safe to trust with bigger stuff ...see ya on the flybye art n stuff

Enola said...

I can identify with this. I am open with my husband and trust him more so than anyone else - but still not enough - still probably at a level 5 on a 1-10 scale.

Rising Rainbow said...

I don't know but it sounds to me that your lack of trust is more based on you thinking that you are not worth whatever others might have to offer.

I think that's true for lots of survivors. We blame it on those outside ourselves when really it is something inside that is the root of the problem.

Jigsaw Analogy said...

yeah, trust is a complex thing. for me, it's not just about the levels of trust, but the types of trust. i mean, clearly i trust the new couples' counselor more than i did the other ones we saw, because i gave her a fairly detailed list of parts, and that really did feel more or less ok. and i trust my individual therapist more than that, for purposes of therapy.

a lot of it, for me, is about what i'm able to predict, based on my experience with that person, or based in general on my life experience.

and my life experience has taught me that it's really a bad idea to trust people to reach out, or to help me if i ask for help. i mean, if i ask for help that hasn't been pretty clearly delineated. like, i trust a teacher to be willing to answer questions. that's been proved to me as something that's safe.

but in terms of getting help when i'm severely depressed, or feeling overwhelmed? it's only been very recently that i've had a few positive experiences with that. so it's harder to trust people to reach out or take care of me.

and it's not just that i fear that i'm not worth it. i've actually had a LOT of experience of people, for perfectly good reasons, just not being available, and just not reaching out. i'm working on it, and trying to figure out how to change that, but it's a long process.

and it takes a whole lot of work to rebuild trust once it's been shattered into unrecognizable pieces.

Anonymous said...

"trusting people to reach out". Hmmm. Maybe I always worded it, "hoping/wishing people would reach out." I actually have this thing where I hope that certain people can somehow *know* I need help at certain times. I even ask God, "Lord, could You send some kind of help right now?" Sometimes He does, and sometimes it seems to be something spiritual that He does instead. And sometimes, I just feel alone still. One time, I kept 'hearing' "why don't you call that person then?" And I think what He meant was that sometimes I need to actually ask...... which is hard for me to do. I'm getting better at asking for help though - and preparing myself if the person can't be available. I am thankful that the people I ask for help from, really DO seem to care about me. So when they aren't available, I'm starting to really feel like it's truly because they just can't for whatever reason, as opposed to them not caring about me.