Monday, March 24, 2008

The Easter bunny

Yesterday in the morning time the little kids here were super disapointed cause the Easter bunny did not come and leave us a basket. but Ellis said if we did not SAY we wanted a basket then we would not get one, and she did not know we wanted a basket so she did not tell W we wanted a basket. so we were disapointed.

We did not say about wanting a basket because we thought probly the Easter bunny would KNOW we wanted a basket and then we would get a basket that way cause the Easter bunny is MAGIC and a magic thing knows when someone is a little kid inside and will need a special thing like an Easter basket. But maby it is diffrent if you live in a stupid grown up body.

But then!! O!! What a suprise! We went to W's sister's house and she had a present just for US! Gess what?!? It was just like an Easter basket only she did not mean it to be like that, it just was. That is how we know the Easter bunny helped cause W's sister maby would have given us the present a diffrent day or she would not have the present.

She gave it to us just cause she is a nice person and she likes to give pepul presents all the time cause she likes pepul to be happy. She is a very nice persun.

What the present was is three very big BEE YOU TEE FUL cookies. They are decorated with sparkly stuff. They are a lion, a monkey and an elefunt. They are soooo beautiful. O! we love them very much! Probly we will eat them soon cause that is what you do with cookies. But first we will be happy to have these beautiful cookies. They came in a fancy bag with ribbons and paper grass. That is also how we know it is an Easter bunny thing.

O! It was so nice for her to give those to us! You do not have to give us a present to be nice to us, but when we get a present it makes us soooooooooo happy!

Thank you so much!

PS-We cwaperated on this post caues we all wanted to write. We are getting GOOD at cwaperating!


Medicoglia, RN said...

it dos be good the estr bunny dos tels yous w sisr to givs yous them cookys i thinkin them big ons ona owtsids somtims fergetin ther bes us lil ons ina big body so them not thinkin bowt that estr bunny an stufs lik that an wes don wan aksin ethr liks mabes them shud jus nos wes needin somthins liks that but this yeer wes jus says is wes gon kolrs egs this yeer an then what yous thinkin that bunny gon brings? to ars D an then hers membrs!

Enola said...

Yeah! I'm glad the Easter bunny brought you a basket. My mother-in-law helped the Easter bunny bring me one. Filled with Cadbury eggs (my favorite). You are never too old for an Easter basket.

Rising Rainbow said...

Those cookies sound pretty cool. It's a good thing I didn't get them because I'd have to save such neat cookies. lol