Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What do the adults do?

need some ideas here. in therapy, we were talking about how i think probably parts are blocking the adult parts from coming out, and we were talking about why that's probably going on. like, the adult parts tend not to pay attention to what the rest of us need, and it's harder to get help when they're around because they act like everything's okay, and stuff like that.

but my therapist was talking about how maybe if the other parts could see that the adults help, and do things that are useful, then maybe they'd be willing to give it a try.

the problem is, i think i'm the only part who would benefit from the adults coming back, because i'm the one who gets stuck dealing with all the adult-type stuff, like paying bills and organizing housework and stuff like that. so it would be a good break for me, and that's mostly why i want them back.

but they don't really do anything for the other parts that i can't also do, like, i can drive the car, and i can make sure the bills get paid, and i can make sure the laundry gets done and groceries get bought. so the other parts keep saying, "what do we need the adults for anyways?"

and the only things i can think of are about outside people, like they give w. some adult time, and they can take care of people, or make things (like sewing stuff) and things like that. the rest of it, i can do an okay job with. and it's not like i'm going to stop doing it just because it is hard, so i don't know what to do.

what are things adult parts do for the ones inside? i mean, what is something that would be better for everyone if the adult parts were back? i need some ideas. thanks.


Rising Rainbow said...

Well, it sounds to me if you get burned out from doing all of the adult stuff, the rest of them are going to be in a world of hurt. Isn't that reason enough to let the adults out to help.

Jigsaw Analogy said...

i just can't get them to care, though. because i'm the one who CARES whether we have somewhere to live, or there is food in the house, or i have clean clothes to put on, or stuff like that. half of them would be just as happy to go live in a tent somewhere, and the others think someone outside would step in to cope if i didn't do anything.

i wish there were something only the adults could do, that the others want to have done. you know, that directly benefitted them.