Saturday, November 17, 2007


Several things going on. Lots of parts are very depressed because of a lot of different things (mostly boiling down to being lonely and not having good prospects of getting friends our own age, and also that there are some things in day-to-day life that can be really discouraging and frustrating to deal with. Oh, yeah, and all that "childhood trauma" stuff that we so often discount as a cause.)

And for a few days last week, a severely suicidal part was out; the main problem with that is, she's not sufficiently self-aware to recognize that she's a separate part... so she thinks she's one (or several) of the other parts. It's all very confusing. It would help if we could get her to start to recognize herself, and that she's separate from the rest of us, because then it would be easier for us to help her. Also, it would be easier to convince her that the rest of us are NOT as severely depressed as she is, and we'd rather not have her acting on her suicidal urges, thank you. Even if she does experience the rest of us as just being her, "faking being happy." It's a real downer, let me tell you.

On a somewhat related note, in the sense that I remain convinced that there is SOMETHING we can do to ease a lot of the pain and frustration we're experiencing, I've realized a couple of the reasons I find it so difficult to access the ideas in books like "Getting Through the Day" by Nancy Napier. One is that they are totally focused on dealing with trauma, and don't actually give good strategies for figuring out day-to-day life stuff. You know, like how to you work through a system meeting, if you can't figure out how to get everyone to come to the same spot and speak one at a time? Or how do you figure out a schedule that will actually meet everyone's needs? I swear, as soon as I come up with some good ways of doing this, I am going to put them up on a website, because I cannot be the only person who needs this.

Also, I desperately wish I could find some simple worksheets, with short fill-in-the-blanks kinds of questions, just for parts to practice communicating (I mean, things like, "My name is _________ and my favorite flavor of ice cream is ________." I can't be the only person who experiences immediate chaos if I push certain parts to talk about why they exist, but who also needs to figure out how to get to know them. And we're all better at responding to questions than at coming up with something useful by journaling to a blank page.)

But the other thing I've realized is that most of the books, at least all that I've read so far, are written as though there is a singular "you" who happens to have some parts. And I think that's why I have such a hard time translating how to work within my own system. There just isn't one part who is consistently present. Some parts may be out more than others, but none of us feels like, or is accepted by the others as, the "main one" or the "host" or even the "shell." It's kind of like people who live in a house together, presuming they moved into the house at the same time. No one really has seniority, and they all share the house equally (more or less... some people monopolize different parts of the house, just like some housemates take over the phone and no one else gets a chance to make a call. That doesn't make it their phone!) (And now I'm thinking of youth in this cell phone age wondering why people don't just use their own phones. I'm talking about land lines here, folks.)

So anyhow, even the stuff written for multiples doesn't seem to take into account that there isn't a singular "you" who is the one in therapy, and the one who can coordinate everything. And I haven't seen anything explaining how to figure out who is coordinating things, or in charge, or how to have a consensus based organization inside your own head.

Sorry this is so totally scattered. On top of my own brain being wonky today, I've been getting phone calls and text messages off and on while I'm writing this, so my attention keeps wandering away from the point.

Not quite sure who this is. I'm not the same part as the last one who used the "who?" label, but I figure the label is there, and "who?" is not a name.


Me, Myself And I said...

Keep it up. You're a pioneer.

Patches said...

We have a sheet we made that has questions for getting to know system members. It is large to send to you through here though.

We found the book 'Got Parts' to be helpful in that it had some practical things in it.

Have you thought of trying to elect a board to preside over meetings or something to that effect?

We here find it easiest to work on a voting system- everyone gets a vote and the majority wins. (on most things- there is a board that can override. For meetings they don't work for us. Each different group inside elected someone and that person goes to meetings then each group has a meeting with their leader to discuss things and the leader then reports back. It is so far the only thing that works. As like you said, we could never get everyone to a meeting at once and the few times we did? it was a disaster.

We also use journal prompts as questions we answer as ways to get to know each other.

Our suggestion is to just keep trying. Try every idea you can think of.

For us and I can't say it is the same for you- we have some who just don't realize they are separate. It's something that is for them and we can't change that. we do have a system of safety measures to keep the body safe though. Could someone maybe write her a note and ask what things she likes to do?

Rising Rainbow said...

I realize that you have a part you are worrying about doing harm because she is so depressed but I'm not sure that convincing her she is a separate part is what you need to keep her from harming the body.

In the bigger scheme of things acceptance of the situation that all parts are really a part of one system is crucial. Encouraging separateness would seem to me to be contrary to the goal.

However, obviously, her depression must be dealt with. Would it be easier to give her some tools to help with the depression than to convince her she is separate?

The book that patches mentions, "Got Parts" sounds like an interesint read. I have not heard of that one.

Rising Rainbow said...

Oops, I was going to add in my system there are leaders. They have the power to stop anything dangerous but mostly they just guide us. They learned about the "healthy rules" of the world and then taught the rest. Like they would help anyone who is depressed to find their way back from that by using the healthy things they've learned. It has been such a relief to get out from under the weight of all those old bad rules that were killing us, that we gladly listen to them. For the first time in our lives, life is worth living.

Jigsaw Analogy said...

rising rainbow and patches--

thanks for taking the time to respond.

patches--we have tried several different sets of questions for getting to know the parts. the most effective are when it's a one-word style prompt, because the interview sheets tend to elicit chaos (i think mostly because it's sometimes hard to get parts to take turns). part of the problem is a bunch of new parts are emerging lately, and the adults in the system have pretty much been gone.

i do have a copy of "got parts?" but i have to admit i haven't found it particularly helpful. can't put my finger on why. i do find "amongst ourselves" pretty helpful, i just wish there were more worksheets....

rising rainbow--i think i might not have been clear about explaining to the part that she's separate. i don't mean separate from the system, i mean, that she is one part of the system, and just because she feels or experiences something, it doesn't mean the whole system feels that way. within my system, i've found that the more we can acknowledge ourselves as individuals, the better we're able to cooperate. the parts who don't acknowledge that they are individuals in a system tend to cause problems, either because they are sui and want to act on that, or in the case of the adults, because they don't think the rest of us are really "real," so they don't allow for our needs to get met.

i'll try to reply in more depth later, but i'm really spacy today, and have been for a few days.