Tuesday, December 25, 2007


One advantage of external kids would be that, most likely, they would be willing to go amuse themselves with their stocking, and then I could keep sleeping while they did that.

Instead, the internal kids woke me up at seven this morning, bouncing with excitement because they were SURE they heard Santa last night, and wanted to go see what was in the stocking. There is nothing that so confirms I have other people in my head than the way that I kept trying to shut my eyes to get some more sleep, and the littles kept opening them and bouncing to get out of bed.

I hope W. appreciates the fact that I have done everything I can to keep them occupied and distracted this morning, so that at least one of us will get the chance to sleep until a more reasonable hour.


Anonymous said...

We got up at 3:45 in the morning because someone just had to open a present. Then I came and went back to bed. Kids are nuts. And they are loud inside too!

Medicoglia, RN said...

External kids are really no better! My nephews lose their minds on Christmas eve...then Christmas morning it's... "Did Santa come? GET UP!! I want to go see. whats for breakfast? THAT'S MINE GIVE IT BACK!!! Don't feed the cat your jelly beans Auntie J won't like that. I want to go outside...so I don't care it's pouring rain and barely 33 degrees and might get colder and the rain will freeze...I GOT A SKATE BOARD FROM SANTA!!! What's for lunch? Whens dinner?" and on and on and on. :P Fortunately this was LAST year...Christmas morning at my house this year just involved me, partner and internal littles. *phew*

Rising Rainbow said...

fallen angels is right external kids are not better. For years I had both, what a zoo that was. lol

Anonymous said...

i know my littles can be "nuts" for christmas and i have to be careful what i say.
i hope the holidays were good for you too ...
thinking of you during this time.