Friday, October 17, 2008

self-help/support groups

i'm looking for opinions! please comment on this post, or send me an email, or something like that, if you have a response, ok?

i'm thinking about starting a self-help group for people with DID/MPD in my area. right now, it's still in the planning stage (like, because i know it would be a bad idea for me to try to do this without having at least one other person helping, and it takes time to find someone who would be interested!)

but i was wondering--if you could have a support group that did just what you wanted it to do, what would that look like? if you're in a support group now or have been in the past, what are the things you like and dislike about it?

note: in this case, i'm talking about a self-help group, and not something therapist led. because i think that in many ways, the best people to help me cope with being multiple are other people who are also coping with being multiple!

1 comment:

Tempy said...

Just my 'two cents', without a therapist leading the group I would recommend that every session be extremely structured. Perhaps purchasing the 'Growing Beyond Survival' workbook and using that as a foundation for the groups. That way it stays focused on the present and not getting into the gritty details of past stuff.

You could do some structured artwork as well.

If you wanted to break it up you could do one week with symptom management and then the next week do a structured group on grief or anger or sadness and then the following week do another symptom management group.