Wednesday, January 16, 2008


sometimes i am afraid that if i admit to myself or anyone else how hard this is, then i won't be able to keep on coping. that i will just fall apart and everything will come crashing down around me.

things are hard. i am managing to cope, but they are hard. a lot of memories have been coming up recently. parts who have new information.

some of it is good--being able to figure out why i react with panic in some situations.

and some of it is just hard. hard. hard.

it's easy to go with a level of denial--like, how could i POSSIBLY have not remembered that? that was a BIG thing, not just something small.

and it's even harder, when i have a different version of the memory, something that's easier to cope with. how can i remember part of something, and not the whole? how could i re-write something as it was happening, and erase the parts i couldn't cope with?

but logic intervenes--do i benefit from making this up? not so much. there is no real gain from making up these memories. i don't feel better. i don't get more sympathy from other people, since what i do remember is bad enough to get all the sympathy a person could want.

so what do i get from it? sadness, hurt, remembered pain.

what do i get from looking at the memories? a measure of relief from panic and body memories.

so logic says, probably these things are real. probably these things happened. that doesn't make it easier. even though i know that remembering doesn't make me less of a survivor, it's still hard to allow myself to remember, and to examine the intensity of what happened. i am afraid of becoming one of those people who spends their entire life complaining about how forces outside their control ruined everything.

i was successful in high school and college and afterwards in part because of the denial. if i could make myself believe... not so much that it wasn't happening, but that i could keep it from affecting me, then i could go on with my life, and take control.

if i focused on the things that were under my power, i told myself the things that i couldn't control just didn't matter, they were separate from me.

might get it together later to write some memories, but this is hard. it's just HARD.

my therapist asked yesterday whether i would be interested in doing a double session on tuesdays instead of a single one. i think this is in addition to the sessions we have on thursdays. so three hours a week of therapy. doesn't seem like much, until you consider the degree to which therapy can knock me out. it's exhausting, even when i'm talking about superficial things.

but maybe it's not such a bad idea. it scares me, though. i'm afraid of being too dependent. i'm afraid of being too needy. and i'm really afraid of getting into these memories, and stirring things up.

i know that dealing with memories isn't entirely incompatible with living my life. but it's hard. it's overwhelming. i would rather pretend that everything is okay now, that we can do a few little mental exercises and **poof!** everything will be okay.

i'm afraid that instead, i'll fall apart entirely.


Medicoglia, RN said...

I'm all for the *poof* everything is better idea! I know it's not possible, but if it were, I'd be signing up, first in line. Dealing with the memories is probably the hardest part of therapy for far, I really haven't "dealt" with them. I've "remembered" some, written about them, drawn about them, even verbalized a little bit to T about them. But I haven't done the "feelings" part, and I know that is a really big part of getting better. I have a similar fear to the one you stated at the begining of your post. If I begin to begin to recognize, acknowledge and work through the feelings (one of the things on my needs list), then I fear I will get "stuck" or overwhelmed by them. Denial was protection then...and it's protection now. I think this is a hard thing for most if not all survivors.

Rising Rainbow said...

I remember struggling with this is it real or isn't it. It was hard. But like you, it explained so much about me, I had to accept it. Was the only thing that made sense.

I am so much happier now that I did and worked through all of it.

An extra hour of therapy that might be helpful. I found those extra hours helped. Maybe they would help for you.

Enola said...

I just stumbled on your blog from that survivor needs meme. Wanted to encourage you to keep plodding forward. Remembering, dealing, feeling -- it's all hard work. But you can't turn back. You have to go forward. And it is worth it. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about all the memories coming out right now. denial is good to an extent, but it will have to be talked about sometime. just like with everything else ... *shrugs with much frustration* ... you are a survivor with so much strength to be able to start working on even more memories.
you are in our thoughts as you have to deal with these memories ...

i understand about the therapy "knock you out" can be. our therapy is the same way. but at the same time, i know it is also really good for us because we are able to talk about all kinds of stuff. i couldn't imagine 3 hours of individual therapy though and how you would feel afterwards. i have the 1 hour individual session and then i am also part of a dissociative disorder group (2 hours) and that is all exhausting for me.

so many, many hugs to you right now as you have to decide ... {{{hugs}}}