Saturday, February 10, 2007

Tea set

We made the tea set today. W remembered to say "Can Michelle come play" and I DID and I got to paint the tea set and that was fun. And then we had a tea party with the dolls.

Sometimes I don't get attention cause I don't make a big noisy fuss like Ramona in the books does, but maybe sometimes its not a big fuss if you just tell someone you want to have attention. And this time no one forgot and I got to do something fun, and that was really great.

I read somewhere that people aren't sposed to ask for a different part to come out but I can't come out very easy and the other parts push and they getta come out and I don't so when W. asked for me especially then I got to come out so I think it's ok even if the people say it's not sposed to be like that.

We had a fun tea party and now the tea set is painted with polka dots like I wanted and none of the other parts really wanted a tea set anyways they just always like to come out. But I do too, and I got to.

This is Michelle.

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